Monday, April 20, 2009

Regional Construction Week 2009 (RCW '09) at Melaka

Date 日期: 16/4/2009 - 19/4/2009.
Venue 地点: Melaka International Trade Centre (MITC) 马六甲国际贸易中心
Organizer 主办单位: Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB) 马来西亚建筑业发展局

The overview of the MITC main building.

This event's Opening Ceremony done by Honored Guest YB Dato' Yong Khoon Seng, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Works Malaysia.

Ops. 'Someone' seems so serious listening... @_@"


In this event, i was in-charge on the career fair. Basically we organized seminar and skill demonstration to public.

This student seems interested in CIDB training programme.

Suhaimi Arifin from CIDB are explaining to the student regards the training provided by CIDB.
Suhaimi 在向有兴趣申请加入CIDB培训课程的学生讲解有关详情。

Azmeer Amarullah is our main MC throughout the RCW '09 Career Talk.
Azmeer 乃是此职业讲座的主要主持人。

The first talk touched on the Career Path for a Crane Operator in construction industry. By Rizman Bin Dahalan, ABM Southern Branch's Trainer.

Suhaimi Miskam, ABM Southern Branch's trainer and Mr Syaiful Nizam Mohd Sapi, the ex-ABM trainer are sharing their knowledge & experiences for the career as a Electrical Installer.
Suhaimi Miskam, 柔佛州教员及Syaiful Nizam毕业技术生正再分享他们在电子行业的知识和经验。

Tuan Hj. Yunos Pathi, Presiden from Pengasih was highlighting the youth problem especially regards the drug issues.
Yunos Pathi正在高谈阔论有关目前年轻人所面对的问题,尤其是在毒品上。

En. Hafizi Harun, Director from Pengasih receiving token of appreciation from CIDB's General Manager Mdm Ir Noraini.
Ir. Noraini 赠送纪念品给Hafizi以示感谢。

Mr Muhammad Syahir movitating student and guiding them how to success in this competitive business world.

The student seems motivated.

Mr Zulkifli Abu Hassan was sharing the training programs that offered by CIDB.
Zulkifli 在和大家分享有关CIDB所提供的培训课程。

Haha.. I am just a temporary MC that replace Azmeer that not able to attend for the last day talk. =)
哈哈... 我只是暂时接待Azmeer的司仪一职而已啦。 =)

Ops.. Coincidentally Chong Kai Sing was called by his company to look after their company (Tong Yong Metal Sdn Bhd) booth. Good to see you~

Time to go home. Buzy packing by Norazleen (Aleen) and Zuraida Omar.


Credit given to Shaikh Abdul Rahim that provided the photos.

Memorable program~

Now enjoying one week holiday after the hard work at Segamat! =)

‘Enjoy your work, enjoy your life’

Are you enjoying?

With Love,
elims Chuang 光宏


Marciana said...

Work is so boring *yawn
Luckily im still a student.. but i think studying is boring too...

elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

Dear Marciana,

That why the problem is not on working, but the mind set of ourself. If we do not have a positive thinking, everything we do will hardly produce a positive result.

So, what you need to do currently is adjusting your thinking. =)

继升 said...

wakaka... nice shot ya. Thanks

elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

ya, you will wish to pay me for that good shot!

haha.. i will send the other few photos for u then~

You can keep for your profile and experience compilation next time. ^_^

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