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Here is where we started our story.
Overview. Sorry a bit blur, too excited when i reached there.
The scene at the entrance. The lighting is so lovely...
The counter service, where you paid, you granted the ticket... haha..
You were given 2 ribbon, 1 in blue, 1 in pink, not sure for what reason..
The stage, simple decoration.
Our lengcai lenglui MC, 弘吾&舒玲.
Hyb New President, 福明.
Celebrating 10 years birthday. Time passes so so fast...
Ops... "HYB's Uncle Auntie" taking their dinner...
Eat more to keep fat!!
New HYB adviser. 叶老师及师母~~
Oppss.. Just forget to take after they finish singing the HYB song. @_@"
Awee...小威威? So handsome after go China... I will consider to go china jor... @_@"
"Dengan ini diumumkan sebanyak RM 3xxx akan....."
Wei 傅老师,can rasuah ma?
Opss.. someone is luckier then me.. T_T
Temporary MC... 镜源
Opening Ceremony by 德华?
"Awee not preparing also talk 30 minutes... Imagine i have done preparation for 2 days!!!"
"We have something for you all, we did it 3 days 3 nights 3 hours and ngam ngam finish only... Open it and take a look.."
"Walaoyeh... so touch... 感动!!"
"拍照......" all appear on stage in just 3 seconds... geng!!!
People show their music skill, we show them our naughty skill.... wakakkakaka...
Got lenglui on stage, dun go spoil them... hehe..
Opss... another chance to become millionaire~~~
Opss... all old man old woman so lucky in hyb... maybe pray a lot before come...
What band is this?
华仔,what are doing there?
"See you masuk my belakang, or i masuk yours..."
Err... Tonight you are mine!!! Is time to see who is the most lengcai and lenglui in HYB...
舒玲意外不劳而获!!Is time to see who most lengcai already~~~
Final: 华仔 VS AhRock.
Walaoyeh... this is more cold(冷门)!!!
With the singing and showing international language skill....
"I am the most lengcai champion!!!"
There were some broken spectacles around the floor after that...
Is time to keep fit!!!
Instead of balloon, can we have bubbles?
Wao... tangkap basah~~~
Ei? Why i put this photos?
Really very fast wor... this big group was formed in 55 seconds!!
10 years old jor... how far can we go?p/s: some unexpected photos will be uploaded soon, see who is the "lucky"
With Love elims Chuang ^_^
kh,thanks for blogging out the photos. :) I get to see some of you guys whom i last met few years ago. :D
More funny and 18SX, 18SG will be published later~~ ^_^
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