Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back Dated : Malaysia Cameron Highland Trip (Day 2) 大马金马仑之旅完篇 (第二天)

9.8.2009 (Sunday) - 10.00 am, Depart towards Cactus Valley

After having breakfast (Bread + Sardin + Eggs + Butter + Kaya), we quickly make our move.

54. Front of Cactus Valley 仙人掌花园大门前

55. Wishing pond 许愿池

56. The fishes are easily reachable 很多很多鱼,可以‘随意’伸手摸摸~

57. Feed fish the ice-cream... lol~ 也可以‘随意’请鱼吃‘免费冰淇淋’~ (庄光远)

58. Surely, varies type of cactus can be found here. 顾名思义,这花园充满了各种各样的仙人掌。

59. Some are weird, some are funny 看了都会眼花缭乱

60. Pretty girls and cactus 最重要要有美女就可以了,正所谓:‘醉翁之意不在酒。。。’

61. Group photo 仙人掌好像也有分等级,辈分越大就排越上。。。

62. Take care of your girl all the time or else you won't able to have good sleep every 好好照顾女人心,不然得每晚提心吊胆。。。 @@" (邢珑慧,Louis 俊雄)

63. Good scene for photo taking 很多很美的景色可以摄影

64. With the cool whether, you sure feel nice! 加上天气爽凉凉的,你一定感觉很棒!

65. Handsome boy waiting to be sold~ anyone? 帅哥等着卖,有人要订吗? (卓义宏, Ah Toh)

66. Imagination is something can go beyond the limit of sky 想象的空间是没有极限的

67. Hopefully the structure is strong enough to hold the 'cactus flower' 来一张团体照

68. Wow~ Nice pose~ 好一张‘献丑’照~

68. lol.. Cute~ 一看就知道有多三八

69. Back to natural~ 回归大自然最漂亮!

70. ‘Missed' Girl 2009 goes to Tham Koh Sin 第一届‘没少女’得主花落于谭可欣小妹妹

71. Surrounded by bees and fly 人红后一定会惹来很多蜂蜂蝶蝶~

72. Surrounded by supporters 还有不少‘粉丝’

73. And the flower also become famous already 人红花也沾光,跟着红了~

74. Buy one free one~ 处处可见,处处可买~ 来啊~ 买一送一!

75. This photo is to promote Green and Vegetarian @@" 希望未来有机会更接近大自然~

76. This is to proof that I never pluck the Strawberry! 上有政策,下有对策~

77. Funny, Naughty, Crazy...~ 当我们同在一起,总是那么快乐欢喜~

78. You might consider Cameron Highland for your wedding shooting vacation

79. An attractive and good-looking cameraman
这是我们临时‘请’来帮我们拍照的朋友, 竟然忘了拿电话。。。

9.8.2009 (Sunday) - 12.00 pm, Lata Iskandar Waterfall 金马仑瀑布


80. The unique sign board 大招牌

81. Wont too deep 水不会太深

82. Jump jump jump~ 人总是不喜欢在框框底下生活,让我们冲向极限!

83. Time keep on going just like the water flowing, we must not stop enjoying our life

84. No pain, no gain 很痛,但是心很甜。。。

85. Kalah tak apa, 'action' mesti mahu! 最重要要'yeng'~

86. Take up any challenge and chance you can promote yourself~

87. Preserve your slim body 保养身段,紧张不乱;笑容灿烂,精明能干~ @@"

88. Know your weakness and strength~ 知己知彼,接受自我~

89. In our life, everyone has their part to play~ 天生我材必有用~

90. Love people around us~ 有缘相聚就得珍惜~

91. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh~ 团结就是力量~ ^^ (好像在给talk...)

前排左起 - 金胜,楚茵,Jocerlyn, Louis, 芯菊,Bobby, 芷芸,宗良,光远,桂璇,汉勤,光豪,秀萍(镜源大姐)
后排左起 - 小弟光宏,宗煌,成贵,世隆,AhToh, 晓燕,光永,夏震,镜源,洁慧,AhSing,晋伟,珑慧,可欣

92. Taking rest is to travel along the rest of the destination~ 不要忘记休息以走更长远的路

93. Slowly but surely~ 路途再遥远,一步一脚印也一定可以抵达~

9.8.2009 (Sunday) - 3 pm, Lunch

94. yeah, 抢镜头1,

94. yeah, 抢镜头2

94. yeah, 抢镜头3

95. Yeah, the last meal before we end our gathering~ 最后一餐都是很丰富的~

在上巴士前,尝试进行陈群威以前未完成的任务~ Time Capsule~ 可惜群威不能和我们同行~ TT


96. Writting essay~ 用心写作文~ (我要减肥!!!)

97. 写完后投入time capsule

98. 这time capsule 最后由楚茵保管,三年间有何不妥,主办当局一律不管~ 哈哈!

9.8.2009 (Sunday) - 5 pm, Sharing 分享喜悦

99. Everyone share the happiness~ 个个猴急抢麦分享。。。不吐不快~

100. Case Closed perfectly~ 完美闭幕~ ^^

总用费(四餐,住宿,巴士,全部景点入门票) = RM 140.



总策划 - 可欣
特别顾问 - 镜源
导游,交通住宿 - 光豪
相片提供 - 可欣,珑慧,芷芸 (怪不得那么多她们的照片...下次有照片记得交给我.lol...)
海报设计 - 夏震

Next Date - Where? When?
下回约定 - 那里?几时?

With Love 因为爱,
elims Chuang 光宏


Gabriel said...

wow...seems like u really had a very fun and enjoyable trip! eventful.

elims Chuang Kuang Hong 庄光宏 said...

Ya, this is very organized and fruitful trip! Wish we can have another one soon~ ^^

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